Monday 23 April 2012

Just for you Izzat :)

I don't have words to describe what i feel for you.
I fall deeper in your love with every passing day.
Every moment I spend with you, feels like a dream, im madly in love with you.

Our love is like a flower. It is beautiful, radiant, divine, affectionate and pure.
Im so glad to be with you.
Times and seasons are ought to change but my love for you my beloved, will live forever.
I will love and respect you in all my life.
I feels so happy around you.
When you are not with me, it is your memories that brighten up my gloomy days. I will love you forever!
I don't know the real meaning of love but, when I hear your voice I can feel my heart skip a beat.
When we are together, it feels like I'm a part of some fairytale. I may not know the real meaning of love. And maybe, love is just the way I feel for you.

The love that you have for me, has transformed my black and white life into something so beautiful and colourful. Thank you so much my hubby for coming into my life.
I promise to be by your side forever and for always and nothing can do us apart.
Life is not worth living without you, you make me complete. I thank God for blessing me with your love.
All the words in the world would also fail to describe what we share between us. All I can say is always love me the same way forever.
Each time I look at you, I just smile to myself and think, 'I certainly could not have done better'. You are perfect the way you are. I love you so much honey.
I will forever be thankful to God for gifting me with you. You are not just my husband, you are my best friend. I know I can always count on you.
Thank you for standing up for me and supporting me, even when the whole world is against me.

Terima kasih

Saturday 21 April 2012


When i met you i found out what true love was.
Still today it amazes me what it really does.
I've always been in love with you even when we were apart.
From the moment i saw you, I knew you'd always have my heart.
I knew with all that I am one day i'd be your wife.
And when that day came I had a meaning to my life.
We've been through so much and it hasn't even bene a year.
Our loves keep growing stronger and stronger, I think that's pretty clear.

Thanks my husband for loving me and sticking by my side.
When i think of you my husband, im filled with so much pride :)

Your wife :)
Terima kasih

Beronok ronok :D

Assalamualaikum and night to all stalkers :)
Fitrah bagi setiap couple yg inginkan restu dari setiap ahli family tak kira dari sblh lelaki or perempuan.
Sama dgn aku, nak sangat restu dari sebelah lelaki tp apakan daya.
Naluri sorang ibu nak yg terbaik untuk anak sulung dia.
Tapi nih tak bermakna aku kena give up and cari org lain untuk jadi suami aku.
TAK! And takan sesekali aku give up atas sebab-2 nih.
Kata orang, kalau kita nak kan something dlm hidup kita, kita kena berusaha and try jadi yg terbaik kat depan mata orang yg kita suka tuh.
Alhamdulillah, aku and dia tak pernah timbulkan isu nih tapi dia ada pesan dgn aku sabar lah and try untuk ambik hati ibu.
Ye, selagi ibu tak suka aku selagi tuh aku akan terus berusaha and aku akan buktikan kat family dia yg aku akan jadi wife yg terbaik untuk anak sulung dia :)

Alhamdulillah, bagi pihak family aku semua senang hati dengan kehadiran si dia dalam family aku.
Maybe sebab kematangan dia yg buatkan semua org senang dengan dia.
Aku ikut suka bila semua okay dengan dia and berharap aku akan kekal dengan dia.
Macam-2 dugaan yg kitorang dah lalui sesama and sekarang kitorang tetap bersama.
Mak, ayah, and semua.
Dia lah yg akan jadi menantu mak and ayah suatu hari nanti. Kita takan terima sesiapa dalam hidup kita kecuali dia sorang.

Lastly, harapan yang tinggi aku letak kat hubungan nihh. Semoga hubungan nih kekal hingga akhir jannah :)
Terima kasih